(Video) Bang unlucky: Andy Robertson inches away from a goal which would’ve made any striker proud

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Andy Robertson was inches away from scoring what would’ve been a show-stopper of a goal in Liverpool’s friendly against Las Palmas this evening.

Following a rather tepid first half, the Reds upped the ante after half-time, and the Scottish left-back came the closest of anyone to breaking the deadlock before the hour mark.

The 30-year-old received the ball ont the edge of the penalty area and turned brilliantly before firing a thunderbolt which had Jasper Cillessen stranded, only for the crossbar to come to the visitors’ rescue.

It was Robertson’s last contribution before he was substituted for Calum Scanlon, and had he scored, it would’ve been a goal to make any striker in world football proud.

You can view Robertson’s effort below, taken from LFCTV’s match coverage and shared via @anfieldsociaI2 on X:

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